- allyl mustard oil
- • аллилгорчичное масло• аллиловый эфир изородановой кислоты
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre. 2014.
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre. 2014.
allyl mustard oil — noun see allyl isothiocyanate … Useful english dictionary
Mustard oil — The term mustard oil is used for three different oils that are made from mustard seeds: A fatty vegetable oil resulting from pressing the seeds, An essential oil resulting from grinding the seeds, mixing them with water, and extracting the… … Wikipedia
mustard oil — noun oil obtained from mustard seeds and used in making soap • Hypernyms: ↑oil * * * noun 1. : an oil from mustard: as a. or mustard seed oil : a greenish yellow bland semidrying fatty … Useful english dictionary
mustard oil — Term applied to any of the organic isothiocyanates in general, but more specifically to allyl isothiocyanate; such oils are metabolically convertible to thiocyanates and may thus lead to goiter. expressed m. the fixed oil expressed from the seeds … Medical dictionary
mustard oil — noun a) The hot pungent oil expressed from mustard seeds; used sparingly as a food dressing. b) The essential oil, allyl isothiocyanate, also obtained from mustard seeds … Wiktionary
allyl isothiocyanate — allyl iso·thio·cy·a·nate .ī sō .thī ə sī ə .nāt, nət n a colorless pungent irritating liquid ester C4H5NS that is the chief constituent of mustard oil used in medicine and is used as a flavoring agent and as a medical counterirritant called also… … Medical dictionary
allyl isothiocyanate — noun or allyl mustard oil : a colorless pungent irritating liquid ester CH2=CHCH2NCS that is the chief constituent of mustard oil (sense 1b) and is used as a flavoring agent and as a medical counterirritant … Useful english dictionary
Mustard (condiment) — Mustard seeds (top left) may be ground (top right) to make different kinds of mustard. The other four mustards pictured are a simple table mustard with turmeric coloring (center left), a Bavarian sweet mustard (center right), a Dijon mustard… … Wikipedia
Allyl chloride — Allyl chloride … Wikipedia
Allyl isothiocyanate — Chembox new Name = Allyl isothiocyanate ImageFile = Allyl isothiocyanate 2D skeletal.png ImageName = Allyl isothiocyanate ImageFile1 = Allyl isothiocyanate 3D vdW.png ImageName1 = Space filling model of allyl isothiocyanate IUPACName = 3… … Wikipedia
allyl — The monovalent radical, CH2=CHCH2 . a. alcohol a colorless liquid of pungent odor used in making resins and plasticizers; highly irritating to mucous membranes and readily absorbed, causing depression and coma. SYN: vinyl carbinol … Medical dictionary